Monday, March 30, 2015

2015 оны тренд №1 - "Үргэлж өмсгөл"

Энэ сэдвээр бичих гэж хаврыг их ч удаан хүлээлээ дээ :-)

Учир нь энэ жилийн хавар, зуны үндсэн гангараа бол КОМБИНЕЗОН (англиар jumpsuit, overall зэрэг олон нэртэй бөгөөд бидэнд арай дасал болсноор нь орос нэрээр нь бичээд явья, өөр нэршил санал болговол талархах болно). 2010 оноос эхлэн загварын тайзнаа ажиглагдаж эхэлсэн энэхүү тренд өнөөг хүртэл улам хүчирхэгжиж энэ хавар, зун ч эрч хүчээ алдахгүй нь ээ. Жил ирэх тусам төрөл зүйл, өнгө төрх нь олширсоор бидэнд маш өргөн сонголтыг авчирчээ. Ингээд тухлан сонирхоцгооё:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Nordic appetite

Hi, all! It's good to meet you again with some patterns! :-)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

BROWN - with prints and patterns

I don't know if it's my skin tone or my personality, I happen to own MANY clothes of the BROWN color family. I could make up 100 outfits of this color, if I may exaggerate a little :-) And this is one random combination I came up with recently.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lunar New Year

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring~!

I live in the coldest capital city of the world - Ulaanbaatar. Which makes me a tough fashionista :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Red, white and Black

I'm not a big fan of red. But I guess, the love season is doing things to me :)

So here goes my recent office look with a pop of red and some positivity notes.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

My pre-Valentine style

So that Valentine's was on Saturday, I decided to welcome it earlier, on Friday. So I wore some of my favorite items at work to celebrate the Day... :)
(I'm an office girl, so I'll be posting my work styles mainly. But there is no such strict dress code, so I hope it won't be so boring.)

Sequin + Animal print = Miss Funky

I don't wear sequin on normal days, but this outfit made me realize that it is quite normal to.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Winter whites with gold jewellery

… for a clean and beautiful look.

It seems like gold is for winter and silver is for summer. Do you agree? And gold goes well with both bright and dark colors. It's so good that we can wear whites in winter! Like this, for example...

Comfy and Chic

 My beautiful friend posed for me, wearing the outfit I coordinated…
This outfit is for cool, comfy and chic style lovers.

My first ever post!

Hi, everyone! I just started this blog to share my passion, discoveries and ideas of how a girl/woman can coordinate and pull a look together for every occasion in her life. I will mainly present my ideas of my everyday looks, and might be putting some news and highlights from the Fashion World.

I called my blog a ‘Fashion Mine’, cause I feel like there are endless possibilities of styles and inspirations in this world that one can never be fed up with or dig everything out. The fashion world is a Mine and I am the Miner. Your Fashion Miner is here to serve you :-)